Change Your Life Today!

on the 3rd Thursday each month going forward 

Next Expanding Life in Loss begins on March 26, 2025

Next Ritual Renewal -
Next topic and date - To be Announced

Next Taking Back My Life!(TM) to be announced

Program Facilitators

  • Dr. Cari Jackson

    Rev. Dr. Cari Jackson is an emotional intuitive, spiritual midwife, and social healer. Using her exceptional spiritual gifts for almost forty years, she has been able to help countless individuals harness and transform life-limiting narratives and unhealed traumas to profound embrace of peace, joyfulness, power, and unconditional love.

    Dr. Cari is the founder of Excellent Way and content developer of Excellent Way programs. She incorporates wisdoms from Ancestral, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Ifa, Jewish, and other spiritual traditions to connect deeply with broad audiences. She has served as adjunct faculty at Union Theological Seminary and One Spirit Interfaith Seminary, where she has taught “The Christian Chase for Power” and “Ministry in Multicultural Contexts.”

    Dr. Cari holds a Ph.D. in Christian Social Ethics, Master of Divinity, Juris Doctor, and Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Sociology. She is the author of five books including The Gift to Listen, The Courage to Hear; Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt; and For the Souls of Black Folks; and contributing author for Sisters in Mourning. She is now writing a romantic comedy screenplay.

  • Rev. Carson Hawks

    Rev. Carson Hawks was born and raised in southeastern Virginia and currently resides in the Tucson area. Carson is a graduate of Pacific School of Religion as well as an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ (UCC).

    Carson’s work in the world is to create and hold welcoming spaces that foster growth, healing, and the opportunity to live into our highest potential especially for those who are trauma survivors. Carson’s growth and healing work
    takes many forms. As an Interfaith Spiritual Director, she works to provide a space that embraces questions, doubts, personal faith,
    and spirituality regardless of faith tradition or spiritual journey -- even if past experiences
    with God and Church have not been kind, supportive, loving, or life-giving.

    Carson strives to create a space of non-judgment, meeting and honoring people where they are, exactly as they are, in all the work she does. Currently, Carson is leading or co-leading Expanding Life in LossTM for those experiencing grief and loss, and Taking Back My Life!TM for those who have experienced sexual abuse
    and trauma. Carson serves as Excellent Way’s Director of Programs and Community Care.
    In addition to her work with Excellent Way and spiritual direction, she leads retreats and small groups, teaches, preaches, and facilitates transformative writing groups and workshops.

“It felt like it ended too quickly. I didn't prepare for the withdrawal of not having the group. I think I inadvertently became dependent on the group filling my cup. Not sure how to explain this one properly. I miss seeing everyone.”


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